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Thakor Community Bans Mobile Phones for Unmarried Women in 12 Villages of Gujarat

Harleen Walia

(July, 2019)

The dominant Thakor community once again surprised people by banning the cell phones for unmarried women’s in 12 villages of Gujarat. The “unanimous” diktat was passed in a meeting on 14th July by the elders of the community in 12 villages.

According to the diktat issued at the meeting, “Unmarried women should not be given mobile phones. If they are caught with mobile phones, their parents will be held responsible and they will have to bear the fine imposed by the community’s governing body.”

The members said that the this was issued so that girls “focus more on studies rather than wasting time on mobile phones and on social media platforms.”

Suresh Thakor, a member of the governing body said, “The rule is valid for all college going youth from the community as they use mobile phones to create videos and waste time.” The community promised to offer tablets and laptops to the girls so that they could focus more on their studies.

Ganiben, MLA from Vav Taluka who believes that there is nothing wrong in the move and supported the decision taken by the elders of the community said, “They should stay away from technology and spend more time studying.”

The members of the community not only asked the parents of the community to not give mobile phones to their young college-going daughters but also told that if they go for inter-caste marriages of their children would be fined Rs. 1.5 lakh (in case of girl) and Rs. 2 lakhs (in case of boy).

Several other decisions taken in the meeting includes – reducing “unnecessary” expenditure on the marriage by stopping the use of disco jockeys (DJ’s), firecrackers and elaborate processions on vehicles and horse riding for the groom.

While speaking to the media about this, Suresh Thakor said, “The money saved from the practice will be used for education of the community members.”

MLA Alpesh Thakor while welcoming the decision taken by the community said, “Some decisions are welcome. The decision to curtail the unnecessary expenditure on marriage, Dj, etc. is good. As far as mobile phone is concerned, I would say this should be gender neutral.”

Those found flouting the rules have been threatened with legal actions, the elders at the meeting said.

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