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Editor's Pick Inspiration

स्वतंत्रता सेनानी ऊषा मेहता और उनके संघर्ष से प्रेरणा

Rajesh Singh
इस धरती पर यदि सबसे ज्यादा अन्याय किसी के साथ हुआ है तो वो हैं महिलाएं। महिलाओं को हर जगह से गायब करने का काम...
Featured Inspiration Politics

सोनम वांगचुक की ‘दिल्ली चलो पदयात्रा’ के महत्वपूर्ण पहलू

Rajesh Singh
लद्दाख की मांगों को लेकर पर्यावरणविद सोनम वांगचुक लेह से दिल्ली तक पैदल यात्रा पर निकले हैं। लेह के पहाड़ों से राजधानी नई दिल्ली तक...
Editor's Pick Inspiration Interview

Delhi Chalo Padyatra, From Ladakh To Delhi With Mr. Sonam Wangchuk

Editorial Team
Torrential rain poured over his blue raincoat as environmentalist Sonam Wangchuk walked on the 15th day of the Delhi Chalo Padyatra. Spanning nearly 1000 km...
Arts & Culture Editor's Pick Inspiration

Indian Documentary Feature on Minority Women in the running for Oscars

Guest Author
The rousing documentary ‘Writing with Fire’ has made its way to the 94th edition of Academy Awards and deservedly so....
Featured Inspiration

7 Years of Recognizing Women

Guest Author
The digital women awards were established in 2015 with a goal of celebrating and recognizing entrepreneurs or digital women. The focus of the awards is...
Featured Inspiration Success Stories

Nykaa – The Star of Every Woman’s Life

Guest Author
Falguni Nayar, Founder of ‘Nykaa’ is one of two self-made female, Indian billionaires, after the enormous stock market listing of Nykaa’s parent company, FSN E-Commerce...
Editor's Pick Inspiration Success Stories

No Entry for Men – SuperShe Island

Srinivas Rayappa
Located off the coast of Baltic Sea, SuperShe Island is the first and only island just for shes. While the SuperShe community is global, the...
Editor's Pick Inspiration Success Stories

Remembering Didi Contractor: A Self Taught Architect and Recipient of Nari Shakti Puraskar

Satakshi Malaviya
The modern path of development seems highly unsustainable and a threat to nature but Didi Contractor had chosen an alternative path of sustainable building and...