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Indian Women’s Cricket Team Without A Plan And A Road-Map
While the Indian Men’s Cricket Team have a full-fledged series going on in Australia, with a home series lined up against England in February, 2021,...
Lokendra Malik, Advocate, Supreme Court of India The Supreme Court of India has a sanctioned strength of 34 judges including the Chief Justice of India...
In search of the first woman Chief Justice of India
Even after 70 years of its existence, the top court has not had a woman Chief Justice of India. Lokendra MalikFirst Published on Bar and...
A Woman Of Strength
By PARWAAZ A woman has died in meA woman of disease with a lack of peace.An animal who would toil and ask nothingA dried leaf...
Who decides what women should wear to the Parliament?
By Apurva SinghWomen politicians are supposed to wear traditional clothes to Parliament. Says who!? Is there a defined dress code to enter the Parliament? Hell...
Soul Searching – Are You Looking For Your Destiny In The Right Places?
(My Journey From Being A Lawyer To A Tour Leader) By Richa Shandilya Everyone has been made for some particular work and the desire for...
He/She/They All Said No – Rejection Stories
By Kanika Bhatia [Rejections are like the caste system in this country. Highly visible, tangible yet rendered invisible by habit. Why is the current hustle culture,...
Gender-Neutral Toilets?
England is currently reviewing its policy on publicly accessible toilets to decide whether they should be gender-neutral or separate for women. There are different opinions...
Didi – A Lens To See Women In Indian Politics
By Rohini Sen The second phase of the West Bengal Assembly elections concluded amidst BJP’s raging (and tone deaf) rhetoric of Hindutva and development. And...
Get To Know Jerick Hoffer – or Jinkx Monsoon on ‘Their’ B’day!
Have you met a person who identifies as non-gendered or non-binary? Meet Jerick Hoffer, more famously known by the stage name Jinkx Monsoon, who is...
How Sexist Are The Words In Oxford Dictionary? Turns Out – More Than You Would Expect!
Maria Beatrice Giovanardi, started a Change.org petition in 2019, urging that Oxford Dictionary, arguably the world’s most popular dictionary, do away with its sexist definitions...