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Editor's Pick

The Womb Launches : The Common Woman

We have built a society where ‘the common man’ is the general applicable standard. In our society, the women and their voices are often invisibilised and unheard, at both individual and collective level, on an everyday basis.

So while women suffer in silence, there is no platform for them to stand in their own power and be heard. It is in the light of this, that ‘The Womb’ has decided to launch a new vertical – ‘The Common Woman’.

If you have a story that deserves to be told, shared and mulled over, write to us. Pain and joys when shared, multiplies. It is time, that we get over the taboo and talk about issues that matter, stories that women actually live, stories which are suffocating under the pressure of emotions such as guilt, shame, fear, vulnerabilities.

Once we narrate our stories to complete strangers, it magically no longer holds us captive. What’s more, we experience the magic of oneness – when it strikes us that millions of women around the world can relate to our experiences, thus affirming – ‘We are not alone’. Yes, my friend – ‘you are not alone’. We are all common women and our stories deserve to be told.

You can trust us with the privacy of your story and choose to submit either anonymously or identify yourself.

You might not know it right now, but there is a latent sisterhood energy, waiting to be

unleashed. We are here at the eye of that storm.

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For any queries/other pieces, you can write to our Editor at

Avani Bansal

(Founder, The Womb)

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